Sunday, February 22, 2009

From the mouth of babes...

The scene: All five of us in the car going home after Lou had been released from the hospital. Princess P had gone extended hours without nursing and was ready for some nursing time. Rae being the observant little person she is told us very emphatically.

Rae: "P needs some milk, now!" "When she talks like that she needs milk".

Daddy: "Where does milk come from?" Thinking that she is going to say cows.

Rae: "Milk comes from Mommy's boobies." said in a matter-of-fact tone that could not be denied.

Me: Giggling hysterically in the front seat without making a noise.

The conversation moved on, but I could not help but to wonder if her 4-year-old mind thinks there is some kind of Mom Farm that produces milk.


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