Thursday, April 30, 2009

Things that make you stop and say Really?

So today I said something that made me think "Really, did I just say that?"

It is homeschool time and we are sitting on the floor reading a book about mountains and looking at the globe. When I was reading about Mount Everest, I wanted to show the girls where it was off to Nepal we went thanks to our LeapFrog Globe. As we were looking at the countries that surround Nepal, Lou journeys up to Mongolia. She starts talking about the bad guys in the movie Mulan and that they are from Mongolia and that Mulan started and avalanche (b/c we learned about those today too) to get the bad guys from Mongolia. She takes her finger and traces a path from Mongolia throughout China saying this is where the bad guys (aka the Huns) went...and as she went on about this I was getting frustrated because she was not listening to me talk about Nepal. So I said "We are not studying about Mongolia, we are learning about Nepal!" Suddenly, I stopped, looked her eye to eye and thought to myself "she knows where Mongolia is and I am complaining because she is not listening to me talk about Nepal." So I laughed out loud when I realized how silly I was being and that she learns so much just by playing with this globe and relating the facts to other things she watches or reads. Hence, the reference to the Mulan movie. Rae will always tell you that her Mulan doll is from China (and not because it was made there) because that is where Mulan really sounds cute when she says it because it is more like "it is where MooWan wivs"

So I had to stop and give myself a "Really? Did you have to say something so stupid?"

I have another thing that made me say "Really??" today. I saw it at Walgreens in the baby section. I had to do a double take and then stand there and really think about it and wonder if I would need to use something like this. It was a litmus test to see how much alcohol is in the moms breast milk. It is called Milkscreen. Really? It is interesting, but not sure what kind of signal that sends mothers that may be have experience with excessive drinking. "Oh, I'll just measure how much alcohol is in my breast milk before I feed my baby...maybe that is s good thing... It was just one of those things that made me say "Really?" Obviously that product is not something I need, hence my perplexed thinking about it. I am not judging those that may need or want to use Milkscreen. I guess I was just ignorant of the need for a product like that.

If you have used this product, I would love to hear you comments on it?

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