Sunday, August 24, 2008

It's Amazing...

That the cliche time flies is so baby is 12 weeks old.

It's Amazing that:

I could love someone so much before I even met her and I love her even more even though she screams at me when she needs me.

That a baby smile can bring tears to my eyes.

I love baby feet so much.

A baby can make such loud bodily functions.

That my baby can nurse, poop, and smile all at the same time.

A baby can triple the amount of laundry.

Fred thinks he needs to let me know every time the baby cries...he is a yellow lab.

Fred thinks he needs to supervise bath time, diaper changing, and the occasional nursing session.

Lou and Rae are so very maternal and loving to Princess P.

It's Amazing that we have this precious baby.

It is all so amazing because HE is so Amazing!

It is amazing I blogged...

1 comment:

Entrebon said...

Thanks for the reminder!!!....That we should all take time to "smell the roses!" OH!!! TOTALLY AMAZING!!!!