Tuesday, February 19, 2008

deleted post

I deleted some of my postings because my husband pointed out that I was giving to much information. For those that now me know that I talk too much and I tend to say whatever comes to mind...not always a good thing.


Sarah said...

I find that it's easier to keep my posts short and okay to publish if I pick one topic and stay with it, like you did with the Komfort Keepers post. Then if I think the topic is okay I most likely won't publish too many details. Just remember that mean people sometimes search for certain dirty words on the internet (like pan**tie) and could find your blog if those words are on there. Also remember anyone can find your blog, and read what you've posted. I like to read your blog. :)

Amy said...

I also deleted some posts recently, but only because I thought they made me look dumber than I really am.
Happy Blogging! I'm glad I found you on here.